WMH: World Massage Festival & Massage Therapy Hall of Fame (AMC)

Zeit & Ort
Cherokee, 777 Casino Dr, Cherokee, NC 28719, USA
Über die Veranstaltung
All classes at the World Massage Festival that are for credit hours, are NCBTMB-approved, unless specifically noted in the class description and on the schedule. Most States accept NCBTMB-approved credits, but check with your state board if you are not sure. You will receive a certificate for each class from the instructors, usually at the end of the class. For insurance and liability reasons, ONLY LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPISTS ARE PERMITTED TO TAKE HANDS-ON CLASSES. Most of the hands-on classes will require a massage table. If you are DRIVING in to the Festival, please DO bring a massage table with you! This is VERY IMPORTANT as so many will fly in and not be able to bring a table. Many of our classes will fill up and close quickly. Do not wait until the last minute to register to be sure that you get the classes you want!!!!